Minister of transport will not authorize Bali's governor plans to close down taxi online services.
The meeting of the delegation of the Governor of Bali with representatives of the Bali Provincial Transportation Agency on Friday (05/10/2019) which planned the closure of an online taxi , received a response from Aryanto the Director of PT Jayamahe who is one of the partners of the Go Car online transportation.
Aryanto stated that he did not agree with the plan for several reasons.
First, the legal basis for four-wheeled online taxis has been stated in Minister of Transportation Regulation No. 118 of 2018.
It is indeed explained to regulate the number of online taxi quotas that may operate and to set minimum tariffs per KM, and issue permits for the implementation of special rental transportation (online taxis) for operating areas in one province.
According to Aryanto the governor's authority cannot close the online taxi .
So far we have Jayamahe online taxis , complementing our fleet with special rental transportation permits and the issuing of those licenses is the governor," Aryanto said when met in Denpasar on Friday (05/10/2019).
The second reason is that the existence of online taxis is considered very much needed by the communities . If the governor intends to close taxis online , various aspects and impacts must be considered in the community.
Many people in Bali, many work as taxi drivers online . They have car loans, so the impact if closed is how many thousands of units will be jammed and certainly affect the economy of Bali, in the form of inflation.
Therefore, it will immediately take a few steps. The first will send a letter requesting an audience to the Governor of Bali I Wayan Koster .
The hope is that our demand is fulfilled so that the governor can also hear and be objective, accommodating the aspirations of the entire community. Next week will send a letter requesting an audience to the Governor of Bali
Second, if the audience cannot accommodate the interests of online taxis , and the governor is still determined to issue rules to close an online taxi , then his party will take legal steps by filing a lawsuit in the State Administrative Court
According to him, this is possible because it is regulated in Law Number 51 of 2009 concerning State Administrative Courts.
And third, in addition to filing a lawsuit, his party is also ready to reduce the period for a demonstration on a decision that does not accommodate the interests of all parties.
The number of four-wheeled online taxi fleets in Bali reached 12.000. While the number of Jayamahe drivers is 1,500 throughout Bali.
Regarding the debate that the mercy of online taxi fares , he admitted that this was actually the authority of the governor to regulate it.
The online taxis have now the same rights and obligations, which must be accepted by the government.
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