warning Bali visa scam alert
warning Bali visa scam alert
Be aware of visa scamming in Bali or anywhere in donesia and witch important steps to take when you realise you became a victim of visa fraud.
The economic crisis is all over the world because of the COVID pandemic. Many people getting into financial problems and are trying to find a way to make some extra money. Now offering visa service becomes popular. It needs to be mentioned that the Indonesian
immigration law is quite complicated and is not just a job that can be done by everyone. Even
foreigners without any working permit or experience are jumping into the market. Please
be aware of Visa Scammers! The last weeks a raising number of victims is reporting to the
Police being the victim of Visa fraud. Most of the time the scammer promise you to arrange a stay permit against a much lower price than the official market price. Taking your original passport with him against a receipt mentioning a non-existing Company address or even worse no receipt at all. Once you start
asking information considering the process or the time your visa will be ready you will not
receive a clear answer. The scammer will keep on promising and putting the blame for delay
on the immigration computer system. Very often this will end in overstay of days or even
weeks, by that time the scammer will not be reachable anymore.
What to do when you realise you became a victim of visa fraud
1. Report to the Police office POLRES or POLDA bagian Sentra Pelayanan Kepolisian Terpadu (SPKT). The
Police officer will draw up a police report with a registration number. After this process, the Police will
start an investigation.
2. Also immediate report to the immigration office from your location, bringing the police report with
you. After that, the most important will be trying to find back your original passport. If you are lucky you
might find back your original passport, if not a trip to your Embassy (in Jakarta) shows up. Once you
have your passport submit your application immediately to stop the overstaying fine. Unfortunately, the
overstay fee is printed by the system automatically and is not negotiable. Overstay fee per day cost IDR
According to UU No. 6 Tahun 2011 Article 78:
1. Foreigners who have a stay permit which has been expired and are still in Indonesia less than 60
(sixty) days from the stay permit expiration deadline are subject to overstay fee in accordance with the
provisions of the laws and regulations.
2. Foreigners who do not pay the overstay fee referred to in paragraph (1) shall be subject to
Immigration Administrative Actions in the form of Deportation and Containment.
3. Foreigners who have been granted a stay permit which expired and are still in the Indonesia region
more than 60 (sixty) days from the Stay Permit time limit subject to Action Immigration Administration
in the form of Deportation and The antidote.
Pasal 22 article 45
Foreigners, who are undergoing detention for the purposes of the investigation process, prosecution,
and examination at a court hearing or serving a prison sentence or imprisonment in correctional
institutions, while the Stay Permit expired, are not subject to this obligation.
So be aware for Visa Scamming and take some precautionary measures:
• Always apply for the service of a recognized legal company (CV, PT), which means with a NIB
number and an official address.
• If applying online, check the website/fb of the company you are dealing with.
• Only give your passport against a receipt mentioning the name of the company, address of the
physical office and with an official stamp of the company. If possible, go to the physical address
of the company.
• Take a picture of the KTP (ID card) from the one who ask for your passport. (The police needs
this information their report).
• Check if the company can act as an official sponsor.
Be aware of visa scamming
More specific information on any type of visas : https://www.jasaeka.com/