Two criminals mistreated housekeeper during robbery on luxury property in Denpasar
Monday (12/24/2018) became an unexpected day for house keeper Ketut Waridana looking after a luxurious house located at Jalan Badak Agung in Renon, Denpasar around 12.00 H.
The middle-aged house keeper from Buleleng received considerable mistreatment from two suspected thief's who were determined to rob the house in broad daylight.
With a psychological condition that was still in shock, the house keeper Ketut Waridana told that he was strangled and suddenly smothered by two thieves who entered his boss's house.
The housekeeper left the property to buy some food and when he returned after some rainfall he saw a suspisious white Fortuner parked around 11:30 a.m.
He thought is could be maybe the boss's family, but unknow visitor was pesent inside the property.
The suspected robber pretended he was a police officer and wanted to inspect the house to check if there was any drugs present.
"Shut up, I'm from the police and I search for drugs he said it's up to you if you want to take anything said Ketut and the robber tied his mouth and said that your nose can still be used to breathe. After that he covered his face with clothes, and could not see the thiefs in action.
The thief asked who you are, Ketut said he was only a maid and guarded the house . Then the thief asked here is your boss was he said that he lives overseas He said who else is here, I told myself to take care. When is your boss here, once a month ketut replyd while lying on his stomach and tied up.
Ketut begged the thiefs not to kill him and said that if the thiefs they could take anything. He says no, just shut up here, you are safe shouted one thief holding his neck.
The four rooms been ransacked and no confirmed information of the exact loss,
As soon as he managed to release his hands , and ran outside he could not see anymore the white Fortuner.
I might release five minutes of bonding, and the extinction of the shouting of the thief finally next door helped the police and in the police I told him to block the White Fortuner car," he said.
The police immediately jumped into the scene In a brief interview with the Kapolsek, he said his party suspected that there were two people who entered and carried out a robbery on the property.
Sofar the police stated that he suspected two people using cars and don't know the stolen items as the owners are not present sofar on the location of the crime.