Bali governor want to charge in 2019 foreign tourists 10 $ to finance improvement of services, environment and to provide accident insurance.
This statement was made by Governor Koster in an effort to increase PAD (Regional Original Revenue), the Bali Provincial Government plans to charge a contribution to preserve culture and the environment for foreign tourists and domestic tourists.
Koster said that in order to increase the PAD, he had to look for sources of income outside of existing funding sources schemes, such as those originating from Motor Vehicle Tax (PKB) and Bali Customs Vehicle Name
"The potential can be done by making local regulations (Perda) regarding the contribution of cultural and environmental preservation. Not only for foreign tourists, but also for domestic tourists, " Koster said in a meeting discussing the draft regulation on RAPBD in 2019, at the Bali DPRD Office , on Monday (19/11/2018).
He continued, currently the academic text is being drafted by the provincial government expert team, who will then be taken to the Bali DPRD .
"So what you want to solve is the Regional Regulation to get money, to increase local revenue. just need to implement it in the form of tickets or other schemes, "he explained.
He claimed to have calculated that a foreign tourist was charged US $ 10, while domestic tourists were IDR 10 thousand, the value obtained could reach Rp 1 trillion, so that it would be useful to expand the Bali Provincial Government's fiscal space .
According to him, the contribution has something to do with the function relating to service to tourists.
Tourists who come to Bali need good service, a comfortable, safe and peaceful situation,
need good transportation, need health insurance, and need protection.
"This is all we need to give to tourists, so that coming to
Bali , he can enjoy tourism objects well, and protect all aspects of his activities," he added.
Therefore, he said, there must be an increase in services and this requires costs.
There we will donate contributions to tourists to promote culture or preserve culture and the environment.
This has actually been applied in various countries, "he said.The Governor of Bali,
Regarding the management mechanism, it will be carried out by an accountable and transparent body, and its designation is in order to improve the quality of overall tourism implementatin.
The agency will later belong to a non-private state.
Koster conveyed that the target for the implementation of the contribution to tourists visiting Bali was after the regulation was completed in the form of a Regional Regulation.
the Governor of Bali , Wayan Koster promises to provide returns or service to tourists such as providing accident insurance .addition, said Koster when tourists go down to Ngurah Rai Airport , their immigration services will be repaired.
Then Customs or Customs will be repaired, becoming faster, so that they no longer have to queue for hours like now.
Furthermore, once tourists leave for a walk, the travel must be good, the road must be good. Then at each point security personnel will be prepared, in collaboration with the police.
For mechanisms still discussed in the form of regional regulations
The results of the calculations are likely to have income of IDR 1 trillion a year.
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