Tanah Lot harmonization Art & Culture In Modern Visualization Event
"The three-day event taken place from Friday April 20 till Sunday April 22 th 2018.
This is a collaboration event that has never existed before.
Events that combine ideas, imagination, experience,
interactive and initiative will rely on art culture that is supported
by multimedia digital effects displaying modern visualization, "he explained.
According to Toya Adnyana, there are three segments in the event of
Tanah Lot Art Festival Weekend Event namely Art and Culture
with contemporary cak performance,
national singer Tika Pagraky, Gamelan Suling Gita Semara,
Joged Bumbung, and artist from Pakraman Village Kediri Sub-district.
The second staging is After Sunset Illuminated Garden (Light Garden).
Which takes place after sunset, such as meteor gate, holoscreen fauna, cosmic tree,
fog machine, outline tree, tree video mapping, glow in the dark, light tree,
view stone packed in video projection format.
the creation of optical illusions, using lighting and
projection techniques that display digital video graphics to an object, or a
particular field so as to change its initial shape into a different and fantastic new form.
Tanah Lot Art and Culture weekend event will also be enlivened by coffee festival by
presenting coffee of BUMDes such as Coffee Celepuk Jatiluwih,
Sri Sedana Munduk Temu, Sari Batungsel Stone, Tugu Sari Pajahan, Bumdes Pujungan.
"Tanah Lot This event will also feature a rejang dance performed by the mother
of PKK mother from Pakraman Village in Kediri Subdistrict," he said.
Tanah Lot Art and Culture Weekend This event will be officially opened by
Tabanan Regent Ni Putu Eka Wiryastuti on 20 April at around 17.00 Wita.
"For the general public can watch with dressed custom and no charge.
source : http://balitribune.co.id/