Royal cremation of the Queen of Denpasar ,two hours street parade with 18 meter high bade.
The ceremony of the royal palace of King Denpasar IX, deceased Ida Anak Agung Agung Ayu Oka Acceleration goes on. Thousands of people filled the road that was driven by the caretaker to go to Setra Badung on Wednesday (14/11/2018) .
The peak of the crowd was seen along the front road of Puri Agung Denpasar to the area of the Catur Muka Statue. Because there as a departure center bade towards the cemetery. Layon (corpse) departed from the castle at 12.05 a.m. towards the Catur Muka Statue using the flowering jempana.
As is known, the late Dampati Ida Anak Agung Ayu Oka died on October 17 at the age of 74 years. she left behind her husband, Ida Tjokorda Ngurah Jambe Pemecutan, also five sons and daughters. Among them are AA Ngurah Agung Wira Bima Wikrama, AA Sagung Wife Ratih Isyana Dewi, AA Ngurah Agung Astikaningrat, AA Ngurah Mayun Wiraningrat, and AA Ngurah Alit Putra.
Regarding the palebon, Head of the Denpasar City Transportation Agency's Operations Control Division, I Ketut Sriawan explained, at some points the traffic flow was diverted. While specifically along Jalan Veteran, it was closed completely until the front of the Catur Muka Statue. He claimed from preparation to parade bade carried out for 2 hours closing around Veteran road towards Setra Badung.
Sriawan continued, he mobilized 50 members in the ceremony. Starting from road closure and conducting a system of opening and closing roads at several points the road is connected to the location of the ceremony. He also said that there were two cars towed by his side, because they were on the road where bade was being carried.
Afer the parade was carried out, he also confirmed that the traffic flow could return to normal. Likewise with the light traf fi c, it will return to repair and can be reused. The officers deployed in handling the matter were 15 people, so that they could be handled quickly.
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