Bali's International Yoga Day 2018 with more then 1.000 participants on Mandala Renon square in Denpasar
International Yoga Day which falls on June 21 celebrated royally at Niti Mandala Renon Square , Denpasar, Bali this morning.
If last year participants who participated in this activity approximately 1,000 yoga lovers,
but, in 2018 this participants who follow this activity as many as 1,200 people.
Located at Niti Mandala Renon Square , Denpasar, Bali on Sunday (17/6/2018) this activity is followed by all age groups both children up to the elderly.
The event begins with a video screening of a message from Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi.
Narendra Modi, in his message mentions that yoga is one of the most precious ancient Indian heritage that is given to mankind.
"It is said in Bhagavad Gita 'Samatvam Yoga Uchyate' which means balance and peace of mind, ie yoga. Yoga
is not just an arrangement of exercises, but yoga is the key to fitness and health and yoga is not just what we practice in the morning,
but doing daily activities with diligence and intact awareness is also called yoga, "he explained in a release received by Tribun Bali on Sunday (17/06/2018) in Denpasar, Bali .
Additionally, yoga can make a person a better person in thinking, acting, and using knowledge.
"The body is like a temple of mind and yoga creates a beautiful temple where yoga is very good for the relaxation
of mind and body. Yoga does not know the age, gender, religion, and nation, "he said.
This activity was held by Consulate General of India in Bali starting at 05.30 Wita and in this yoga session led by
I Gusti Raka Panji Tisna who has been intensively promoting yoga in Bali , and Oka Rupadini, Anna Liparisa,
and Satya Ratna Dharani from Art of Living and Seger Oger which is a yoga community in Bali . (*)