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Nine Balinese confirmed victims of the natural disasters in Palu city

Nine Balinese confirmed victims of the natural disasters in Palu city

At least nine Balinese residents recorded as dead due to the 7.4 SR earthquake accompanied by a tsunami in Palu and Donggala, Central Sulawesi, Friday (28/9/2018) . Of that number, 6 of them were police, namely I Gusti Ngurah Putu Sudarmana, I Gusti Kadek Sukamiarta, Desak Nyoman Elia Puspitasari, Putu Ayu Lenyaningsih, Made Muliastuti, and Brigadier I Gusti Kade Suka Miarta. 

Information about the death of 9 Balinese manners was conveyed by Ketyua PHDI Central Sulawesi (Sulteng), Nengah Wandra, to NusaBali via text message (SMS), Tuesday (2/10) night. In addition to the 6 policemen, Balinese men who were also victims of disaster in Central Sulawesi were Gio Caste, Mbak Dimas, and Mrs. Kundro.

Not mentioned, where they served and their home villages in Bali (except the victim IGK Suka Miarta Brigadier, member of the Palu Police Precinct from Mendoyo Dangin Tukad Village, Mendoyo District, Jembrana). What is clear, according to Nengah Wandra, all 9 victims who had been found were all dead in Palu City. They are from various professions, such as police, students, and housewives. Some were killed by collapsed buildings, partly hit by the tsunami. 

"Their bodies were immediately buried in mass. Until this afternoon (yesterday) only eight (outside Brigadier Dewa Putu Suka Miarta, Red) were recorded. Tomorrow (today) we will explore again, "explained Nengah Wandra.

I Gede Yogantara Teguh Eko Wijaya, said there were 40 Hindus who were still missing due to the disaster in Palu and Donggala. According to Gede Yogantara, his party is still trying to find those who are missing, coordinating with volunteers and hospitals. "There are 40 Hindus who have not been found," said Yogantara. 

Yogantara said, the sedharma people were currently opening Posko and public kitchens at Pura Agung Wanakerta Jagatnatha, the only temple in Palu City. In this temple there are 50 refugees affected by the disaster. While other disaster victims from Bali were partially displaced to Parigi Mountong Regency, Central Sulawesi. "Parigi Mountong Regency is a base area for Hindus. Many have fled there, because the area is safe," said Yogantara.

According to Yogantara, besides the public kitchen in the temple, it will immediately open a public kitchen in the Tanggul area, Central Sulawesi. This public kitchen will be built with I Gusti Putu Artha, a former Central KPU Commissioner from Singaraja, Buleleng who is now competing for the seat of the DPR RI from the Central Sulawesi District Election Committee in the upcoming 2019 

"Pak Putu Artha has arrived here (Palu). Right now we are at the temple with him. We will also open a public kitchen in the embankment, because there are many Hindus too," said Yogantara while calling Peradah Sulteng deploy 20 cadres to support public kitchen activities at Pura Agung Wanakerta Jagatnatha Palu and public kitchens in Tanggul.

Meanwhile, the Indonesian Navy Ship (KRI) from Soeharso 990 rests in Benoa Port, South Denpasar, since Monday (1/9) night. This ship docked at Benoa Harbor until Tuesday afternoon to transport aid from the Balinese people to the victims of the Central Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami disaster. Assistance in the form of mineral water, instant noodles, rice, tents, and other items was paid by KRI from Soe-harso 990 to Palu from Benoa Harbor, Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 p.m.

In addition, KRI Dr. Soeharso 990 is also 93 health team personnel joined from specialist doctors and volunteers from various cities. The health team, among others, consisted of bone surgeons, anesthetists, general surgeons, and digestive surgeons. The deployment of KRI through Soeharso 990 and this specialist doctor was carried out, because a number of hospitals in Palu and Donggala could not be used for health services or surgery. KRI Dr. Soeharso 990 was deployed as a Floating Hospital Ship.


The head of Surabaya's Ramelan Hospital, First Admiral of the TNI Dr. I Dewa Gede Nalendra Jaya Iswara, said the Floating Hospital Ship would carry out functions to assist disaster victims who needed treatment. "KRI Soeharso has the duty to send VIP tanks to Bali. There is a sudden order that we handle quite a lot of cases in Palu and Donggala, so that many patients temporarily evacuated to Makassar (South Sulawesi) and Balikpapan (East Kalimantan), because they did not get health care facilities in Palu, "said Dewa Nalendra Jaya at the Port Benoa yesterday.

KRI facility from Soeharso 990 --- formerly known as KRI Tanjung Dalpele 972 ---, said Dewa Nalendra, was equipped with a large hospital facility that had specialist doctors to complete medical equipment. This ship is equipped with 5 operating rooms and 40 inpatient rooms. "There are 40 inpatient rooms. But, if the patient blows up, the tank deck can accommodate 1,000 bags. So, there is no need to worry about the ability of KRI Soeharso 990, "he said. 

Dewa Nalendra said, medical staff of KRI Soeharso 990 could serve surgery every day for up to 25 actions. For emergency intensive unit actions, there are 3 ruagan and are able to carry out operations. "Our ability to have 5 operating rooms. "Our target is for about 25 actions a day so we will soon be able to do services at KRI Soeharso," added Dewa Nalendra.

According to Dewa Nalendra, there are 93 health personnel on standby at KRI Soeharso 990. Later, there will be a number of doctor volunteers from Surabaya, Jakarta, Medan, Kalimantan, and Makassar who will join in to handle the patients at this Hospital Ship. 

Hospital ship docked in Benoa harbor for humanitarian mission to load aid, materials and medical staff before heading to Palu

Hospital ship docked in Benoa harbor for humanitarian mission to load aid, materials and medical staff before heading to Palu

The medical navy Ship KRI Dr. Soeharso 990 has docked in Benoa harbor, Bali on the Domestic pier, precisely near Benoa Police Station, Monday (1/10/2018) 

This floating hospital ship owned by the Navy , a Balinese who will entrust humanitarian assistance to the Palu earthquake, Donggala can go through the ship, Dr. Suharso.

When confirmed yesterday afternoon, Executive Officer of the Denpasar Lanal, Major Laut, Bambang ABR confirmed this.


Bambang said the ship, Dr. Soeharso, which was originally scheduled to arrive at 6:00 a.m. at Benoa Harbor, changed the schedule to 8:00 p.m.

When contacted he also explained that Balinese people could channel their humanitarian assistance through the ship.

"Yes, you can leave it there. Maybe you can use basic foods or something else. Basic needs may be more priority because there is limited food there," explained Bambang.

In addition, he also does not limit what will be distributed by the community.



"Anything is okay. What kind of needs depend on there," he said briefly.

The ship that can carry 500 people is indeed a priority for doctors and medical personnel.

This  hospital ship can accommodate many patients as well as doctors and medical personnel," he said again.

Meanwhile, if there is a team of volunteers who will participate, said Bambang will be discussed later.

"Tomorrow morning. After the ship arrives, the commander will discuss it later, how," he said.

The ship, Dr. Soeharso will then go to Palu on Wednesday  (10/10/2018) around 6:00 a.m.

 So that people who will leave their gods and assistance can come before departure time. .

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Krisik, New waterfall destination with cave and spring located in Tembuku-bangli

Krisik, New waterfall destination with cave and spring located in Tembuku-bangli
Krisik is the newest waterfall attraction in Bali recentlyopened in the Bangli area . Towards the waterfall, visitors will be spoiled for the beauty of the rice fields. 
Although the road access is still ground, but it is quite comfortable to go through, the terrain is quite sloping. 

The waterfall is inside, resembling a cave. Visitors will walk along the river which is decorated with natural stone. For visitors who want to malukat, there is a holy spring. The shady atmosphere makes visitors feel at home in Krisik Waterfall. Kelian Subak Tembuku Kelod, I Wayan Sumada together with the manager of Krisik Waterfall, Sang Nyoman Yasa, said Krisik Waterfall was inaugurated on September 24th 2018

Sang Nyoman Yasa admitted that there were still many supporting facilities that needed to be completed. "We are still making arrangements. For a while, the road is still in the ground, in the future there will be a concrete road, "he said, Wednesday (9/26). It is said, Krisik Waterfall is about 20 meters high. The water can be used as drinking water as it comes directly from a spring. "The waterfall is not a river. "It's a small water debit compared to other waterfalls, but never dry," he explained.

Delivered, naming Krisik is taken from the word ngericik which means gurgling. Wayan Sumada added, while doing promotions also made arrangements. In the location there are also caves that used to be used as waterways. But it is not used anymore so it is arranged by subak manners to support objects. In the future, the management of waterfalls through the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis). "We continue to supervise subak because it is in the subak area," he said. It will prepare a number of supporting activities such as matekap (plowing the fields) to attract
more visitors 
For a while, visitors are not charged for tickets, but they are still in the form of donations. Every day there are officers on guard at the location. This officer is also a guide. The development of Chrysanthemum wartefall is entirely based on community support. "The idea from last March was entirely on the support of the community and village and sub-district governments. We hope that it will grow and have a positive impact on the people, "hoped Wayan Sumada. *ice
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Man killed by his own keris during Ritual Tradition in temple at Buleleng , Singaraja

Man killed by his own keris during Ritual Tradition  in temple at Buleleng  , Singaraja
 Ngigel Village ritual tradition was hold by Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village, Buleleng Subdistrict on Anggara Pon Klawu, Tuesday (25/9/2018). The Ngigel Village tradition which was followed by the entire lanang  krama was hold at Madya Mandala Pura in Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village, as a symbol of the legalization of the lanang manners who had entered the grahasta period to become village manners. Tragically, the Ngigel Desa ritual was desturbed by a death in which a man was killed by a dagger when he was in a state of turmoil.

The victim was stabbed by a keris in the Temple of Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village, When the accident occurred, the victim was following the Ngigel Desa ceremony procession which began at 11.00 AM. After the Mendak Ida Batara ceremony at the Catus Pata Desa (village event), the ritual continues to the Pura Desa Pakraman Naga Sepaha. At around 1:15 PM, one by one the people experienced suffering. Some eat chicken caru alive, some dance to ngurek (thrust the keris into the chest). 

Ketut Sudira's was suffering after ngigel , then took a keris belonging to a pecalang and stuck it on his right chest. The victim went to the Nista Mandala Pura in the village of Pakraman Naga Sepaha and immediately fell down with blood. The victim was then taken to Buleleng Hospital to get medical treatment. Unfortunately, when he arrived at the hospital, the victim was declared dead. 

"The incident happened  during the piodalan ceremony at Pura Desa Naga Sepaha. We can't secure the keris, because there  is still a process of piodalan. Natural victims of natural disasters are in a state of turbulence, "said Singaraja City Police Chief, Commissioner AA Wiranata Kusuma.

Meanwhile, the Ngigel Village ritual ceremony who is taken place every two years when pamuput  was a piodalan work in the Pura Desa Pakraman Naga Sepaha, the peak of which was at Purnamaning Kapat. Those who giggled  are all lanang manners, with make up and distinctive clothing resembling patih clothing in the gong drama arts. Whereas the cloth used was songket or ancient woven fabric.

Kelian of Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village, I Gusti Ngurah Nyoman Sutena, said the Ngigel Desa ritual is a tradition that was obliged to be followed by all married lanang krama (having traditional customs). They are given the freedom to Ngigel Desa, whenever they are ready. However, if there is a lanang man who is embarrassed because he cannot dance at all, the village of Prakraman gives a policy that they may not ngigel ngigel, but must pay a fine of Rp. 30,000.

According to IGN Nyman Sutena, for one time performing the Ngigel Desa ritual tradition, it is usually followed by half of the people of Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village Negak totaling 96 people. "Ngigel Tradition This village inherited from a long time ago. For those who are already married, they are not considered legitimate as village manners, before carrying out the Ngigel Desa tradition, ”explained Sutena in the Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village Temple on Tuesday. "So, the Ngigel Village tradition has become a symbol of endorsement to become village manners, as well as an expression of gratitude and joy over the grace that God has bestowed so far," continued Sutena.

Sutena said, in the implementation, the Ngigel Desa tradition began with the Mendak Ida Batara procession at the Catus Pata Desa. After that, the courtesy of Ngigel Village went up to Bale Agung to attend the Mamangkon ceremony.

Sutena said, lanang's new manners will be masolah (performance skill ngigel) when Ida Batara had gone down, marked by mass (possessions) a number of men in attendance. Before ngigel in the Main Mandala Pura of Pakraman Naga Sepaha Village, all lanang manners were also required to ask for blessings and perform prayers at the Main Mandala, fostered by Jro Mangku Kahyangan Tiga.

After that the prayers, one by one the lanang manners came out of the main Mandala Temple and began to dance accompanied by a gang of gongs, with the typical gongs of Ngigel Desa. Dozens of lanang manners will dance in turn in front of the whole. A lanang man will dance until the drum that the seka gong brings when the kempul sounds three times. 

Krama the Ngigel Village is given freedom in dance moves. Because, there is no definite dance standard in this Ngigel Village, except for the typical club. Every single person is allowed to improvise as much as possible. They may also wear glasses when they bite. "When the kempul sounds three times, it indicates the change of the dancer," said Sutena.

Krama lanang which has finished ngigel then kicking damar  made of coconut filled with cotton and oil then ignited by fire, as a sign that it has completed the requirements to be recognized as village manners. "When Ngigel Desa, I want to dance based on a happy heart. The movement has no grip, so for those who like to be funny, there are movements or costumes that are a little bit funny. In essence, all manners can laugh when the cover is closed at the Pura Desa Pakraman Naga Sepaha, "Sutena said.

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200 yachts heading to the North of Bali to join the Yacht Reunion 23 - 30 September

200 yachts heading to the North of Bali to join the Yacht Reunion  23 - 30 September

A number of yacht ships began to dock in Lovina waters. The ships approached Buleleng ahead of the Reunion Bali Yacht event centered on Buleleng.

The reunion will also be coupled with Lovina Festival and is estimated to involve at least 200 yachters from all over the world.

Yachts themselves have begun to dock in Buleleng since Sunday (9/23). The plan is that they will be in Buleleng until Sunday (30/9).

So far there are a number of yachter groups who have expressed their attendance to Buleleng. They are sea adventurers who had participated in Sail Indonesia, Wonderful Sail to Indonesia, and Sail Darwin.

In addition there are several independent participants who will come to use flight facilities.

"Most will come using yacht boats. From yesterday (Sunday, Red) there have been some confirmation coming.

We prepare two points to dock. In Lovina and in the former Port of Buleleng, "said the Head of the Buleleng Tourism Office, Nyoman Sutrisna.

According to Sutrisna, the arrival of the Yacht Reunion participants had a positive impact on tourism promotion in Buleleng.

Because yachter is a very specific community. They usually only sail or go to areas that really believe in their safety and comfort.

"These adventurers are usually very confident in the area they are going to visit. They will then promote through their community. This opportunity we want to try to take, "said Sutrisna.

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Worlds 3 th highest statue " Garuda wisnu Kencana " after 28 years finally opened by Indonesian President Jokowi

Worlds 3 th highest statue " Garuda wisnu Kencana " after 28 years finally opened by Indonesian President Jokowi

President Joko Widodo inaugurated a 121 meter statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) located in Ungasan Village, South Kuta, Badung, Bali. 

"On this beautiful evening, I am very happy to be able to attend with you, ladies and gentlemen, to witness the masterpiece of the nation, the statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana," President Joko Widodo said at Cultural Park GWK, Badung, Bali on Saturday night. 

Present at the inauguration were First Lady Irina Joko Widodo, 5th Indonesian President Megawati Soekarnoputri, 6th Vice President Try Sutrisno, Maritime Coordinating Minister Luhut Binsar Panjaitan, Finance Minister Sri Mulyani, Tourism Minister Arief Yahya, Bali Governor I Wayan Koster and other state officials.


"I call a masterpiece because the statue of Garuda Wisnu Kencana is one of the largest copper sculptures in the world. The Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue is the 3rd highest statue in the world," said the President. 

The statue of GWK, according to the President, is the third tallest statue in the world after The Spring Temple Buddha in China and The Laykyun Sekkya Buddha in Myanmar. 

"I was given an explanation that this statue is higher than the Statue of Liberty in the United States. The completion of this masterpiece not only boasts the people of Bali, the Balinese people but also boasts all the people of Indonesia," said the President. 

With the realization of the statue of GWK since the beginning of its construction 28 years ago, according to the President, shows that Indonesia is also able to present cultural works in the present.

"Because this proves to be a great nation we not only inherit the great works of the nation's civilization of the past, the beautiful ones like Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple but in the present era our nation can also work, can be creative to build a civilization, to give birth to masterpieces the new one, which also amazes us all, is also recognized and admired by the world, "said the President. 

The President also expressed his gratitude for the perseverance of the artist Nyoman Nuarta who diligently embodied the GBK statue along with other artists.

"Thank you and appreciation to Mr. Nyoman Nuarta for your great ideas, courage and for the efforts so far, of course the big idea was also supported by reliable art workers, who worked at a height of 121 meters to produce this masterpiece," said the President. 

The big idea was also supported by many parties, the support of the government and the people of Bali and the private sector who wanted the artists' big dreams to materialize. 

The Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue is a form of Lord Vishnu riding a garuda. In Hinduism, Lord Vishnu is the God of Preserver (Sthiti). 

The statue has a height of 121 meters or 271 meters above sea level (asl) which is built on an area of ​​60 hectares.

The making of this sculpture underwent a long process which was 28 years by artist and designer Nyoman Nuarta. The process of making copper sculpture uses cast welding techniques for 754 modules. One module is 4x3 meters in weight and weighs approximately 1 ton. 

The making of the statue involved 1,000 workers who were divided into two, namely 400 workers in Bandung and 600 workers in Bali. 

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9 th Edition Utsawa Bali Sani Festival preserving culture and honoring Mother Earth

9 th Edition Utsawa Bali Sani Festival preserving culture and honoring Mother Earth
This Utsawa Bali Sani Festival is one of Unhi's tangible manifestations "To participate in preserving culture, providing a forum for artists in Bali, and at the same time providing a place for younger siblings who are involved in the art study program," said UBS Committee Chair Dr. Ir I Wayan Muka ST, MT, in Denpasar, Thursday. 
According to the Advance, the opening of UNHI's program reached about 1,000 people, not to mention from a number of art communities, schools and other campuses, and new students who were also involved, so that if totaled by artists who will perform and contest participants during UBS week, Advance estimates will involve up to 3,000 people.
This year UBS titled "Prtivi Mandalaning Bhuwana" which contains the concept that the earth is part of the source of life. "That's where we start, that's where we were born, after birth we must realize with art and culture,
This annual activity is a form of implementation of the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi
 in the field of community service through the preservation of cultural arts. According to the Chairman of the UBS VIII Committee Dr. I Wayan Muka, ST, MT, Unhi cultural arts party every 
Housed in Jaba Pandang Penataran Sasih Pejeng-Tampaksiring Gianyar on September 23, 2015, the Indonesian Hindu University held the opening ceremony of the Sixth Utsawa Bali Sani (UBS) as well as the closing of the Students of Upanayana and the Real Work Lecture of Indonesian Hindu University. Before the opening ceremony, Tirta Yatra was held for UNHI new students at Pusering Jagat Pejeng-Tampaksiring Temple. Like the previous years UNHI held
Welcoming the Anniversary, Utsawa Bali Sani VI and Graduation Bachelor, Indonesian Hindu University held a fun walk on September 19, 2015. A relaxing walk attended by UNHI Chancellor Dr. Ida Bagus Dharmika, MA., The Vice Chancellors of UNHI, Dean of Faculties, Staff and Students began at 7:00 a.m. in front of the UNHI Rectorate Building.
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Hunt has launched to catch huge monkey who entering houses and schools what caused damage and fear in Jembrana, Gilimanuk

Hunt has launched to catch huge monkey who entering houses and schools what caused damage and fear in Jembrana, Gilimanuk

For the last two days a remakable large monkey has caused fear and anxiety to habitants at the araa of Jembrana.

The male Bojog with a large body initially appeared out of nowhere on Wednesday (19/9).

Initially the residents of Batuagung Village, Jembrana thought that

the primates were the ones they had because it appeared before the twilight of the puppet and the puppet.

 Banjar Tegalasih residents saw the bojog walking on the roof of his house. Because it is considered to be a bojog, the citizens left him alone.

However, because the bojog went into homes to look for food and take anything that could be eaten and damage the roof of the house, residents became restless.

Moreover, children and women are afraid because the bojog is large.

At first the big, long-tailed boogie was mistaken for the bojog duwe. But because we entered the house to look for food and damage we were afraid that if we approached it, we would bite, ”said Ni Ketut Suryani, 45, a resident of Tegalasih yesterday.

Due to the ongoing disturbance the alleged spouse of the citizen who was released by the villagers was then pushed into a crowd.

The Bojog ran east towards the moor and went to the settlement in the Batuagung Banjar. "However, soon the bojog returned," he said.

Because the bojog was disturbing, the residents did not dare to let their windows or doors open.

Residents of Batuagung, Jembrana were made anxious after a giant sized bojog suddenly appeared in a residential area.

Not only stealing food, the male bojog also damaged the roofs of people's homes. Because of its size, people are so scared.

Initially the residents thought that the primate was a bojog duwe because it appeared before Kalipaksa and tumpek wayang. Moreover, its appearance is so mysterious.

In addition to disturbing residents, the bojog presence also disturbed students of Batuagung 1 Elementary School. The bojog appeared from the moor and jumped the wall and entered the school while students were studying.

"During class hours and the canteen was quiet on Tuesday suddenly the bojog appeared and entered the canteen. I tried to get rid of him but instead damaged the plapon, "said the guard of the Batuagung 1 Public Elementary School canteen, Ni Komang Ariawati.

The presence of the bojog made the students who were learning shocked. "We were surprised there was a bojog going to school.

Then we go out and go to the bush, "said Kadek Dananjaya, one of the students of SD 1 Batuagung.

In order for the bojog not to be more troubling, residents then reported to the Satpol PP of Jembrana regency government.

Members of the Satpol PP together with Veterinarians and Agriculture and Food Service field officers and Babinsa and Bhabinkamtibmas then went down to search by carrying chopsticks with anesthetic.

However, after being searched for a long time with the locals, they were not found in Banjar Tegalasih and Batuagung.

"We've been around but the bojog isn't found. We estimate that the bojog keeps the people out of the city who are far from the forest, "said the Head of Tibum District and Tras of the Satpol PP of Jembrana Regency Government, I Kade Agus Arianta.

Arianta said the existence of BOJOG indeed made people worry about monkeys for fear of attacking children.

"Once the bojog was seen. But when approached immediately ran into the bushes. What is feared is that if they feel pressured by the bojog, they will attack the people, "he concluded.

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Denpasar Airport arrivals increased 8 % compared with 2017 and has now monthly average of nearly 2 million visitors

Denpasar Airport arrivals increased 8 % compared with 2017 and has now monthly average of nearly 2 million visitors

Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali, serving an average of 1.95 million passengers per month during the January-August 2018 period from a total of 15.6 million people, up eight percent compared to the previous year. 

"Passenger statistics from year to year continue to increase and we hope to boost the target of foreign tourists visiting," said General Manager of I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport Yanus Suprayogi in Denpasar on Thursday. 

According to him, if the number of passenger movements on average per day reached 64,300 people or per hour it reached an average of 3,388 people. 

Out of a total of 15.6 passengers over the past eight months, 4.1 million are foreign nationals or foreign tourists.

That number jumped 6.61 percent compared to the same period the previous year reaching 3.8 million. 

The achievement of the number of foreign tourists for eight months, continued Yanus, contributed to almost 62 percent of the total foreign tourist target to Bali this year reaching 6.27 million people. 

Meanwhile, if specified based on the origin of foreign passengers from 4.1 million foreign tourists, 23.5 percent of them from China made the country sit in the first position. 

The second position was occupied by Australia as much as 18.6 percent, followed by India (5.9 percent), England (4.4) and Japan (4.1 percent). 

Other countries namely the United States, France, Malaysia, Germany and South Korea occupy the top 10 countries contributing the largest number of foreign tourists. 

Meanwhile in the aircraft movement statistics for the period of January-August 2018, there were 107,338 aircraft going in and out of I Gusti Ngurah Rai International Airport, both through Domestic Terminals and International Terminals. 

That amount, he said, was an increase from the same recording period in 2017 reaching 96,723 aircraft served by the airport or an increase of 11 percent. 

"On average, the movement of the aircraft reaches 13,400 aircraft per day, 442 aircraft or 23 aircraft per hour," he said.

Exhibition, Balinese cuisine , live music and Colour Run at the Lovina Festival, 26 / 28 September

Exhibition, Balinese cuisine , live music and Colour Run at the Lovina Festival, 26 / 28 September

One of the main reasons for this beach festival is that it draws thousands of people to a less visited part of the island, Lovina. As Lovina is located on the northern coast of Bali, not many people make the effort to travel up there during their stay in Bali. However the people in the Buleleng Regency want as many visitors as possible to travel up here to see the natural beauty of this part of the island.

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