Bali Animal Food Bank distribution day

Bali Animal Food Bank allocation and distribution of food aid  on Sat May th 2020 from 10 AM untill 12 PM at Bali Beach Shack Jl. Legian Kaja 470 Legian, In collaboration with Mission Paws’ible Bali  and MUM Foundation are helping the selfless people who feed hundreds of dogs and cats daily. These people have not been asked to do this, they do it because they have love, compassion and empathy for Bali’s animals. Most of the animals have no home or ‘human’. Most feeders do it out of their own pocket. Many have low salary jobs or no jobs at all. The Food Appeal Fundraiser is aimed to raise the funds, purchase the food and distribute it every fortnight from a central location to the people needing help the most. Through the application process we will communicate with the ‘feeders’ and map out what areas are being fed and what areas are not. This will ensure we spread the feeding to as many areas as possible!Tourists are the lifeline for this small tropical island. Millions of people fly in every year to enjoy the climate, beaches, world class restaurants, bars and spas and keep the economy flowing, but hat has all stopped and everything is closed to the public ! No tourists = no operating restaurants = no more scrap food for that lonely stray who waits patiently every day for them to arrive. This tight network means there ARE people helping the animals but they need OUR help more than ever. To raise at least $2,500 per month to feed the stray dogs and cats via this amazing network.Please help the stray animals of Bali make it through this hideous time. Your donation not only supports the animals, but also the people during this desperate time.

50 cents = 1 meal (average 150grams)
$35 = 20kg Dry Pet Food (133 meals)
Mission Paws’ible is thrilled to be collaborating with Bali Animal Food Bank who is managing the collection and distribution of the food along with the team from Bali Pet Crusaders. Working together we will oversee all applications, requests and viability of even food distribution. Dry dog and cat food plus rice will be available fortnightly from a central location in Kuta where street feeders and poorer pet owners can access the donations. With the shared network of local animal feeders, global pet lovers and island community we believe we can help all people in need during this dire time. Not only helping on the street / beach feeders helping the homeless animals, but also lower income earners who are struggling to feed themselves let alone their pets. During this dire time we want to ensure our community can continue to care for their pets with our support and avoid any animal dumping due to sheer economical desperation. We are all navigating our way through uncharted territory. No one knows when this global crises will end and the animals are suffering due to the loss of tourists.

Donations  :
