First ever World Conference on Creative Economy hold in Bali, Nusa Dua 6-8 November
The Indonesian House of Representatives member from Gianyar, also known as the PSR, said that on the 6th to 8th of November 2018 the World Creative Economic Forum is planned to be held in Nusa Dua.According to him, this forum is considered important because so far his party has also encouraged the recruitment to always contribute to the community.
"How is the contribution, there must be a blue print or a big concept in the development of the creative economy,
Although Bekraf has only been in Indonesia for three years, this initial momentum is said to be important to find input in formulating how there is a comprehensive solution. for the impact of the meeting to be directly felt by people from various walks of life,"
He acknowledged, Bekraf was very important in his position where the first to provide assistance that indeed the community had been working but needed to be taught how the packaging, marketing and how to promote their products. While the second part of Bekraf's strategic role is the creation of a creative economy bill that will later have its body.
The biggest target is able to earn foreign exchange from the tourism sector, the second is to earn foreign exchange from workers directly to the community,.
As is known, the foreign exchange that can be obtained from the tourism sector according to Supadma reached more than Rp309 trillion. "For others it will probably decrease, but tourism and the creative economy have a tremendous impact.
Related to the existence of Bali, so far it has been known to have such great potential. Of course, in 16 of the creative economy sub-sectors we know that most of them are in Bali.
"But unfortunately due to lack of assistance, the result is rather difficult to penetrate the market, but if it is packaged properly management will give more value to the perpetrators," he said while saying that the spirit of pentahelic synergy is needed including government, academics, media, business and the latter .
Putu Supadma Rudana wants Bali to have a Science and Techno Park like in America. This Techno park can later be used as a reference for information technology for technopreuner in developing their creativity, as well as a source of information.
"This place can be an incubator for startups in the face of industrial shifts that are now entering the era of the Industrial Revolution 4.0," he concluded, who also wants the community to understand and the importance of the Industrial Revolution
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